Tuesday, May 7, 2013


The lucky winners are:

#1 - Staggenborg
#2 - Belli
#3 - Cohen
#4 - Belli
#5 - Persi
#6 - Floyd
#7 - Struck
#8 - Persi
#9 - Heckert
#10 - A. Truman
#11 - Short
#12 - Martin
#13 - Gilbert
#14 - Serra
#15 - Herman
#16 - Phillips
#17 - Jenkins
#18 - Kitzman
#19 - White
#20 - J. Truman
#21 - Jenkins
#22 - Falk
#23 - D. Truman
#24 - Mechem
#25 - Heckert
#26 - Wilson
#27 - Darnell
#28 - Vought
#29 - Serra
#30 - Morley
#31 - Staggenborg
#32 - Carbone
#33 - Walker
#34 - Day
#35 - Bledsoe
#36 - Falk

Congratulations to all our winners and thank you so much for your support!  The raffle raised $2300 for the start of our playground project.

If you donated an item we will be emailing you the winners mailing address this week.

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