Thursday, September 29, 2011

40 Days of Prayer, day 2

Day 2: "Today, pray for your Pastor to have guidance and provision as he seeks to follow the Lord's command to care for the orphans."

Did you know that the Bible mentions the importance of caring for the fatherless more than 60 times?!  Christians needs to stand together and care for the orphan.  We need to visit them in their distress.  And it starts at church.

Churches are the most influential source of care and support. Orphan care is being provided through the church in many areas. Orphans continue to receive the best care when the local church, in collaboration with other partners, is at the foundation of program development. As the distribution center for hope in a community, the local church is positioned to identify needs and support interventions for orphan care. 

The Church is the Hope for the Orphan. The Church has:
1. The largest participation
2. The widest distribution
3. The simplest administration
4. The fastest expansion
5. The longest continuation
6. The strongest authorization
7. The highest motivation.

(Saddleback Church Orphan Care Initiative)

It is time for churches to rise up make answering the call to care for children without families a priority.  Pastors and the leadership of your local church need to understand that God's heart is clearly for the fatherless and doing nothing is a sin.

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